The BlueTree
Buisness Model
US real estate historically generates better returns than bonds with less volatility than equities.
Opportunistic investing (buying and flipping) in hot markets promises the best returns, but also brings greater levels of price volatility and risk.
Our business model combines both opportunistic and value styles of real estate investing to help to mitigate risk and generate above average returns.
BlueTree Capital offers investors access to a curated property portfolio of single family homes, to reap the benefits of investing in the real estate sector without the responsibilities of property management.

Investing Strategies: Risk & Return
Source: Mergers & Inquisitions
Property Value, BlueTree Capital

We see an enormous opportunity to purchase properties at a significant discount to market value over the next 2 years, as higher mortgage rates and the end of COVID forbearance increases supply at auction.

Our seasoned on the ground Team moves fast: We inspect properties to uncover value and conduct a disciplined bidding process. After purchase our contractors typically begin renovations on vacated properties within 10 days.

Our model adapts to market conditions to generate consistent attractive returns for investors. We buy to let in slow markets, time sales to make good profits in rising markets, and buy and flip in hot markets.
Consistent Returns Through Combining Strategies

Generates passive income.
Protection against inflation.
In a slowing market for home sales, the home rental market picks up generating attractive yields.
Leverage is readily available on single family homes, which can be used to enhance yield.

Flipping Strategy
Our experts only buy at auction using a disciplined bidding process to uncover value.
Our crew usually starts renovation work on a vacant property within 10 days of purchase.
In a hot property market, the Buy at Auction, Renovate and Flip strategy generates excellent returns.